Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hate Speech and Terrorism

In the midst of the terrible events these past few days in Egypt, Lybia, Yemen and now spreading through other parts of the Middle East, the subject of free speech has come up many times with regards to this so-called movie that has set off so much opportunistic violence and death.

I see the instigators who make these videos intended not to educate but to inflame and these extreme right wing pastors who burn religious texts as hate-driven cowards who start shit from a safe distance and let innocent people suffer the bloody consequenses. I believe completely in free speech, but I don't put what Sam Bacile (or whatever his name is) and Terry Jones and their ilk do in the category of free speech or the extremist Islamists publicly calling for the killing of those who insult their religion. Nor do I condone extremist Islam's use of any excuse to justify attacks on anyone they hate. I would hold them ALL responsible for every death that results from this kind of violence.

I'm talking about intentionally inciting violence as opposed to speaking out against policies or beliefs or situations that cause harm to society or individuals that must be addressed. So often, taking a stance in an ethical manner does cause violent reactions from the opposition, and some argue that even hate-speech is protected under free speech. It's a complicated issue and a slippery slope. But there is a difference in criticizing and insulting. I believe in criticizing what needs criticizing. Including religion. We do this to effect change, hopefully in a good direction. Insulting only results in negative reaction. Insulting is an attack. Criticism is a discussion. That's the difference.

And in light of what we are hearing about this movie and it's maker, that even the actors were not aware of the actual content, which was allegedly dubbed over after the fact, if that is true, I would call on authorities to find him and hold him responsible for putting so many lives in danger, including the lives of those involved in the movie if they truly did not know what was being done. Certainly, absolutely, those who reacted with violence must be held responsible for their own actions and for the deaths they have caused. I think the consequences for this terrorism should be aggressive, immediate and harsh. But I'm addressing the issue of free speech and the boundaries that those of us priviledged to have that freedom should be observing. We have the freedom to condemn and criticize or stand up for any issue or situation we feel strongly about, but we should do it responsibly and honestly.

With that said, I condemn this disgusting video and it's maker and his "message", and I also condemn the attack on the mission in Benghazi by jihadists who murdered Ambassador Stevens and the 3 American staff members, whether that attack was provoked by the movie or was pre-planned. And I agree with the statement issued by the Embassy in Egypt and with Sec. Clinton that we do not condone any effort to intentionally insult any individual or group for their religion. And despite what Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan so opportunistically and idiodically claimed, it is NOT an apology. It is a condemnation of hate speech.

While I'm doing all this condemning, I would like to condemn Romney for claiming the Obama administration is apologising to the jihadists for this movie, for dishonestly twisting words and using it for campaigning purposes and I hope his supporters see it for the lie that it is. I was disgusted by his statement. I hope anyone else who feels the same lets him know that in November.

As for Mr. Bacile (or whatever your name is), why don't you come out of your hiding hole and take your part of the responsibility for this bloody mess. If you did what the reports are saying you did, you owe a lot of people restitution, and you owe everyone the truth. Not that it would even begin to be enough, but you should never forget that you played a part in the deaths of innocent people.

Do not misunderstand what I'm saying. More than anything, I condemn these jihadist groups for using any perceived insult to attack innocent people and hold them completely repsonsible above any other player in this sickening situation because there is NO justification for this kind of reaction.
